Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"There is a crack in everything/That's how the light gets in..."

Culture packed weekend with Ma Bonner.  Friday, took her to her first ever rock 'n' roll gig -- L Cohen Esq at London's bijou 02 Arena.  We were five -- count 'em -- five rows from the front, courtesy Ms Lorca Cohen.  Highlights?  Way too many, but I nominate "The Partisan" and "Suzanne".  Then, boozing with SamAndSimone Upstairs until very late.  Ma Bonner is now a Nick Cave fan.  Who'd have thought..?

Saturday, post-breakfast with Ma and a cameoing LaLa, to Stratford-Upon-Avon and David "Doctor Who" Tennant as Hamlet, with Patrick "Captain Picard" Stewart as Claudius.  It was a melding of sci-fi brains.  Phasers to stun, polarity of neutron flow reversed, Tennant sparky.  Long drive back to the Bonner ranch.

Sunday, playing with the cat and eating roast beef.  Weight:  a smidge under 11 stone.

Then, later, the Lock Tavern and a 3am touchdown.  Good work for a school night.

Weirdly, BBC1's going dead pastoral singer-songwriter as I write.  J Buckley's "Hallelujah" on some generic BeebEeeCee trail, and N Drake's "Pink Moon" playing in Holby City.

Wha' 'appen to the world..?  What did I miss..?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

"The beer I had for breakfast wasn't bad/So I had one for dessert..."

To St Pancras International Train Station with H-Lo for a potter and a coffee.  Hadn't been since the refurbishment.  The Eurostar level was very sleek, modernist and quiet -- as train travel was always meant to be in the future.  Barely a soul around -- just trains sitting silently.  Downstairs -- full of people, and posh cafes.  Couldn't find the Champagne Bar.  Wish I'd had my passport and a couple of hundred quid spare -- had the urge to hit Paris.

To The Social, and a chance encounter on Oxford Street with LaLa.  Not been to The Social for centuries...  Diff'rent times.  Later, there were mussels.  And too much wine with Mark Upstairs.

And today to the Royal Inn for Alison's birthday.  Good to see Katrina, Shenda et famille.  Hatching New Year plans...